We've decided to try for #2!


Called the RE and schedule an appointment for 10/11 to discuss next steps. I was wondering more nervous than I anticipated when I made the call.

My husband and I had a conversation about what we would like to do. We have 3 non-tested embryos on ice. If one works and we have any leftover we will donate them. If none of them work we will count our blessings that we have a wonderful daughter and hope that it happens naturally (my diagnosis is recurrent pregnancy loss- no other issues found) and if it doesn't that's ok. We can dote on the one we have. ❤

I'm feeling all sorts of feelings but significantly less desperate than last time. Before becoming a mother hinged on success and there was always the concern that if it didn't work then I would never be able to raise a child. Now that I'm a mother, nothing can change that. I'd like to add another child to our family but ultimately I'll be ok if we end up with just the one.

Any prayers, positive vibes etc gratefully appreciated!