Potty training help


Hey guys, if anyone could give some advice on the following it would be really appreciated. Thanks.

So my son is 3 years and 4 months old. I'm trying to potty train but I'm not really getting anywhere at all.

He wouldn't use a potty at all, he would want to use the big toilet so I bought a potty seat to go on that. He's fine sitting on it, in fact he seems happy to ask me to use it but when he does sit there he does absolutely nothing at all.

He doesn't like being in nappies anymore, he keeps asking me for pants which I'm happy for him to wear but he constantly has accidents. He knows he needs a pee or a poo because he will happily tell me, but he tells me as he's doing it in his pants.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get him to go on the toilet? This is starting to affect his school as they won't allow him to go full time (he should of started full time at 3) until he's fully trained and he's now the only child being picked up half day which makes him sad as he's leaving his friends and doesn't understand why.

No amount of bribery has worked, I've tried sticker and reward charts, I've tried bribing him with almost everything.

I even tried the rapid training advised by a specialist which is drink every 15 minutes and toilet every 20 and it still didn't work.

Hes even taken to holding it until i put a nappy on at bed time which I worry will cause issues for him and make him uncomfortable.

If anyone has any ideas or advice I'd really appreciate it. Thank you all ❤