To ghost or not to ghost


So I dated this guy for 10 months, the last 4 months have been long distance and rough, like really rough, by the end he called it quits Bc of the distance. I said I was feeling better Bc I just saw you but I’m not gonna argue like peace out. He told me on the phone that night he would text me the next day, I was confused but figured ok it’ll be like closure it’ll be another convo about like yeah this is the end, but no. He said good morning almost as if everything was normal but minus the love and that’s how the day went and the night and he never brought it up again and neither did I. I was kinda blind sighted especially considering I had seen him the day before. Our relationship was tough, idk about him, but it was not good for me. I felt like I had to give up so much to make it work and he didn’t have to do anything, like leaving events to talk to him, drive to see him, try and get him to plan a time to see me which never really happened until the end, and on top of that he wasn’t meeting my needs and whenever I tried to talk to him about what I needed or what was hurting me, it became about how that hurts him and what do I want him to do and I ended up apologizing every single time without fail, even tho I was the one hurt. I don’t think he’s a bad guy tho, just didn’t love me the way he claimed idk. Any way... he has been texting me for like two weeks in this weird limbo situation and like idk what to do. It makes me feel shitty, I feel guilty for texting him, I feel guilty if I don’t, I get upset hearing about his life and his problems especially Bc I don’t tell him my stuff anymore and like I don’t care to know how his day was or what he did, and it hurts hearing he’s like doing all these things and stuff, idk like it kinda makes me feel used as a safety blanket but I just still don’t think he’s a bad guy and what not. This was supposed to be a backstory but it kinda turned into a vent session I’m not sure if it even makes sense but the point was... I want to stop texting him but I also don’t of course and I don’t wanna hurt his feelings Bc he’s someone I loved and still care about, my parents tell me don’t worry about it it’ll fizzle out, but I need this to stop sooner rather than later and also they don’t know they don’t get it texting wasn’t a thing when they ever dated, my friends and I do too think it’s odd how he texts me still even tho he broke up with me, and they said I should just not respond like multiple different groups of girls told me “just don’t respond” but I feel guilty and kinda want to send him a message about how it hurts it’s not personal good luck in life but you won’t be hearing from me again another wants to be a bitch lol and tell him how hurt I am but I’m not gonna do that, so I’m just at a loss for the whole situation sos thank you for reading this far