85 days too go 👶🏾😫

Mariah • 22.05.13 💘 baby due March 5th 👶🏾🙏🏽
• turned 18 yesterday 🤗🎉 I just about managed too eat, coco just punched and kicks all the time; I love that my baby has so much movement but omg it hurts so much 
•• I get pains that come and go like contractions come and go but it's not contractions or braxton hicks; thank god, I don't wanna give birth at 28weeks 😫
••• the midwife is worried imma have a stressful labour cause I'm so small so they might want too do a c-section not really feeling that but if it happens by all means go for it, don't want an epidural cause that messes up your back 
•••• works gunna have too stop next month, then gunna have a month a bit till my coco puff is here imma be so bored, everyone's either working or doing their own thing lol 
••••• just need these days too go quick, starting too get way too tired way too quickly 😂 #SoExcited 🎉👶🏾💜