So.. in late November (28th?) I had a cyst rupture (no blood) & so now it looks like I'm not going to have a period.. I was doing good, had one on my own last month (4-7) but I had to start provera yesterday since I still haven't started..

I'm really depressed about it.. I don't think I'll ever have kids..

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I have had severe PCOS since I was in my mid teens.  I tried to get pregnant with my first husband when I was 19 for several years and even saw a fertility specialist.  When I was 30 I decided it was time to make a change to have a baby so I had gastric bypass.  One year later I was pregnant.  My little man just turned 2. I have ovulated normally since coming off birth control in May.  I use to go up to a year and a half without a period.   I got pregnant in July, miscarried at 6-1/2 weeks and am now 6-1/2 weeks pregnant again.  I'm with the other poster.  There is much power in what you speak and what you feel.  I'm here if you want to chat more you could always email me at mskris8199@yahoo.com.  


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There is power in the word of mouth. Speak it and it shall be true. Do not doubt your body. God has made a promise to all women. That they shall be fruitful if you speak against it. It may not happen.