might be pregnant ?


so me and my hubby have been trying to have a

baby and it has failed but i really have a feeling

that this last time has actually worked butttttt.

have had a problem with reoccurring uti and

yeast infections that haven't allowed me to have

sex right before my cycle… although yes we had

sex while i was ovulating. but like the burning

and itching hasn't happened much this time i

supposed to start tomorrow and i have been

cramping on and off the last few hours but

what's really throwing me off is i'm really really

horny and the last night we had sex with no

problem so i'm kinda confused i'm having

sore nipples

frequent urinating (i also drink a lot of water)

sore breast


some of the food i like are making me nauseous

woke up the past few mornings with an upset


(not throwing up just nauseous)

i'm just hoping that this time worked so basically

what i'm asking is could i possibly be pregnant?

i tried to explain the situation as best i could i post it here cause idk where the hell to post this