Any tips on 3 month old sleep! Im at my wits end.

I LOVE my baby but shes driving me fucking nuts with her sleeping.

Yes I know at 3 months shes still developing etc etc but shit is she a shitty sleeper!

Every nap it take over 30mins to put her down for her to only sleep 20-30mins. I spend my days trying to put her to sleep.

Bedtime is another beast. Takes 2hrs to make her sleep by rocking/feeding etc. For her to always wake up 30mins later. Then i just cave and bring her into the bed with me. Literally my whole evening is wasted by being in a dark nursery frustrated. It always ends up her being overtired screaming and mama in tears. We have a good bedtime routine but that doesn’t matter to her lol.

I had a call with a sleep consultant and she wants us to try the put down/pick up method for her to learn to sleep independently.

Any other tips you have??