3 week old spitting up


Sorry in advance for the long post... we just aren't sure what to do. My 3.5 week old little girl is eating like a champ, is hungry every 2ish hours during the day. The first 2 weeks I breastfed and she hardly spit up at all. I was not enjoying it so we switched to formula. She had no issues switching and taking a bottle. The past few nights it seems she is spitting up a lot. Starts at about 9ish we try winding down for the night and it seems she is going to go to bed for a good while. Nope she'll be out for 15-20 mins and we think we are good and she is up and awake. She always has spit up on her cheek and down in the bed. We are attempting to burp her every ounce, she doesn't always burp, and we are keeping her as upright as we can while eating and afterwards too then laying her down.

Is it normal for them to spit up at night while sleeping or just laying down?

After she does this it takes forever for her to calm down and by the time she does and is almost asleep again she'll wake back up because she is hungry and it's time for her to eat again. But I'm afraid to feed her again after she just threw the last bottle up. She isn't like this during the day takes her bottles and naps just fine. If she happens to spit up during the day it's never a lot and easy to clean up. At night it is always a ton and will soak her shoulder or chest and make it to the fitted sheet.

I'm also concerned with feeding her right after as well. She is always hungry at night after she spits up.