I am so confused in what is happening

Erin • Oklahoma Doula (@douluxebirthservices) Jacob Russell 8.5.22 💜

Last month I had an early miscarriage, which pushed back my period obviously. I usually wait until about 10 days after my period to test OPK, but decided that I would go ahead a little earlier this month! Well 8-10 days into my cycle, I hit peak. This would have been normal if I had started my period on time, but I didn’t (due to pregnancy). I was suuuper confused, but rolled with it. Continued to use OPK’s to make sure I wasn’t gonna have a second peak that month and never did.

Around 8DPO, I started getting faint lines on a couple different tests. After a couple days they disappeared and I assumed I probably just had another chemical.

Well now I’m 5 days late. I’ve never been late unless I’m pregnant. All my tests are totally negative, so I know I’m not. I went ahead and punched in what my cycle would have been with the miscarriage, and I’m 4 days away from my period according to THAT. I have zero idea what’s happening, but oddly I have never wished for a period so much in my life 😂.