Has anyone I experienced this?


Backstory: We’re TTC. I had my IUD removed in August and had a period immediately following removal. Prior to the IUD, I’ve always had incredibly regular, 28-day cycles, but I still haven’t had a period since mid-August.

I was <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> both with BBT and LH levels, so I’m sure I ovulated in late September. Now I’m 12 DPO and expecting my period - if I don’t get a positive pregnancy test - this Sunday.

I’ve also had very light spotting, like to the point where there is the slightest tinge of blood while wiping maybe once a day for two days now.

The thing is, I’ve been getting these super faint lines on my pregnancy tests. They’re almost like shadows they’re so light but with color. (I’m testing with pink dye FRER and those pink Dollar Tree tests.) I don’t think they’re indents or evap because I’ve been getting them consistently for three days now, but they aren’t progressing.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea what’s going on?