Does a boy wanting to wear feminine clothes mean anything about his sexuality?

I have a male friend who recently expressed multiple times wanting to buy these shirts but his parents wouldn’t let him because they were “girls shirts” and I’ve seen pictures of the shirts they have flowers, pink, etc ( not really girls shirts they’re shaped as guys/gender neutral but more feminine than most male shirts) he also loves flowers a LOT and reads romance books that are typically read by girls, he has a small collection of stuffed animals, and he’s growing his hair out a bit to be long (another thing his parents disapprove of). Not to mention he recently bought two bracelets and I mean I guess one of them could be considered masculine but the other has a flower charm on it. He does have traditionally masculine interests as well, such as computers and video games. And he dated a girl once for two years and he said he was really in love with her but he hasn’t dated anyone in three years and doesn’t want to. The thing is we live in Manhattan which is very accepting of the LGBTQIA+ community and multiple other people in our friend group are openly LGBTQ+, so he has no reason to claim to be straight if he’s not. So if you are queer or know about these things, does it seem like my friend is not straight based on the things I listed, or is he probably just straight and likes girly things anyways?