Am I understanding my terminology correctly or...

Dahlia • Hi, I`m Lia & SO and I started TTC last month in November. Good vibes & baby dust!
In November, AF appeared from the 8th until the 13th (6 days). Ovulation was predicted to be the 19th to the 23rd. 
SO and I HELLLLAAA bd'ed on the 18th, 19th, 20th, & 21st 😏😏😂 My most fertile day was predicted to be the 22nd but sadly, no bd'ing on the 22nd or 23rd 😪
AF should have arrived on the 6th, but 5 days & two negative pregnancy tests later - still no AF.
So basicallyyyyyyy, to understand, would that make me 18dpo? & 5 days late.
lmao. so confuseddddddd.