Parent advice please!


So my son who is 6 has been having a very very rough time at school. So much that he has not been kicked out of before and after care for 3 days. They said the next time will be for good. He doesn’t want to listen to the teacher there and he’s been hitting kids. We have had one incident at school of him hitting a child. My husband and I have tried everything. We asked if the other kids were being mean, if they hit him first, if they made fun of him and he always says no. That he’s just mad so he hits them. So we have tried telling him why hitting is bad. I tell him every single day to keep his hands to himself and to mind the teachers. We have tried putting him in a sport to maybe get some energy/aggression out. We grounded him from toys. Made him write im sorry letter. This has been going on since school started and I have no idea what to do anymore it’s just at school. At hole he acts fine and sweet. My mother told me she’s thinks he may be ADHD/ADD and I think I agree. It does run in my family and I myself have ADD. So I want to get him tested but my husband basically says he doesn’t care if he has anything we aren’t giving him any medicine because he doesn’t need to be doped up. While I agree I don’t want him to be a zombie or anything I want him to do good school, learn and make friends. I want him to be a normal 6 year old and something is obviously going on. He says you can’t diagnose a anyone under the age of 12 with ADHD or ADD because all 6 year olds don’t sit still and they don’t want to do homework but not all 6 year olds are getting kicked out of after care at school and hitting children’s every week, if at all. I wasn’t open to medication but now at this point if he gets diagnosed with something and the doctor wants him to take something I want to try it and see if it helps him but I don’t want to be fighting with husband. Is there any other parenting thing we haven’t done that may help? Or what should I say/do to help my husband see if medicine can help he should take it? I’m so lost and already feeling like an awful mother. Please bo hateful comments… and sorry it’s so long