Ectopic pregnancy


Hello , I ‘ve got a question so .. I had sex cu my husband before and after ovulation , and I also had some symptoms like nausea, cramps , metalic taste , l have been so moody , sore boobs … Last night I couldn’t sleep so well and when I finally caught some sleep I had a horrible nightmare , that someone was trying to stab me in the stomach . I woke up and my lower belly hurt , not intense but it hurts when I tense my belly (coughing or sneezing) . In this morning ( 12 DPO ), I took a pregnancy test and it was nevative . In this moment I still have that pain but only on the right side . I know some stuff about ectopic pregnancy but I am not sure if I tested too early or is anything else… Should I wait till I the miss period or should I see the doctor ? Please help !!! I’m😰😰😰