Bad dreams, nervous of toddler age


First time pregnant mom here. So excited for the journey! One thing I’m nervous about though, is the toddler/younger ages when kid may have bad dreams and try to come into my bedroom to have me sleep with them or soothe them in anyway.

I have always had nightmares. A lot when I was younger, but also many into college years and slowing down since marriage. So vivid that it is 4:45am right now and I’ve been up since 4. I woke up at 4:00 having to pee, but I mentally could not get myself to get out of bed, or even just roll to other side to face the door. After sitting and trying to forget dream for like 5-10min. I woke husband to have him turn on his lamp. As soon as lamp was on I could get up and go.

ANYWAYS I am just nervous that it’s going to scare myself when “someone trying to get in my room” but it’s just my kid, or if I open eyes and kid is standing at my bed.

Has anyone had this experience of already not feeling safe at night and having a scared kid scare them? Maybe it sounds dumb, I’m just nervous about it.