
🎄☃️❄️Kayla❄️☃️🎄 • 27 yrs old & mother of 3 sons Aiden, Eli & Leo ❤️ TTC 3 years, 2 miscarriages & now sweet Leo is 3 months! 💞💖💖

Hello ladies, I have a TTC group, has 100+ members & everyone is VERY supportive there. Probably one of the most supportive groups on glow. No negativity. If you want to join, just comment, your more than welcome! In the creator & im always adding topics like ways to conceive, what vitamins to take, how to check CM & cervix to figure out ovulation, TTC humor pictures/quotes, etc. It's like my website to me. I love helping out ladies who are TTC, including myself.

If you want to join, just comment or go to my profile, click my groups, go to Kayla's TTC Group, click join. I added pics to show exactly how to do it.