Can dogs sense when you’re going into labor?


Bear with me on this crazy post…. First off, my dog had a noticeable change in clinginess with each pregnancy even before 14 DPO. Then with my first pregnancy, I just knew from the beginning I was going to go early. Had my baby at 37 weeks. This pregnancy I’ve been really nervous about going into premature labor. This weekend my BH contractions went from nightly tightening to a few hours of irregular contractions but now with a menstrual like cramping and increased strength that I cannot sleep though. This morning my belly has dropped a bit. When I took my dog out this morning, she started barking hysterically and chasing a man who was almost a full block away! She’s a yellow lab so usually the friendliest and this is NOT like her. Also she has refused to go on a walk with my husband yesterday and today. Like she didn’t want to leave my side. The reason I ask if dogs can sense oncoming labor is I’m 35+ weeks and really don’t want a pre-37 week baby. I have an Non-stress test tomorrow but no MD appt. I’m wondering if I should ask to speak with my doc or if this is just all crazy pregnant mom brain. Thoughts?