Over enthusiastic eater - worried about weight

Hi there. My 2.5 year old has always been a good eater. I know it’s a good problem to have. But lately I have been worried about her relationship with food. She NEVER turns down a snack. Her latest thing is “I’m still hungry” in between meals and before bed. But I often wonder how that is even possible. She will eat tons of fruit, loves certain veggies. But favorites are still the typical foods - Mac and cheese, pasta and butter, ext. I always give a fruit and/or veggie with whatever she eats. Her pediatrician has never said anything about her weight - but she has always been like 90-95 percentile. She’s a big kid for sure.

I want her to enjoy food and listen to her body. I never want to tell her she can’t eat if shes hungry. If she wants to eat before bed it’s always option of fruit or veggie.

I don’t want to project my own food/weight concerns on her. But I want her to actually listen to her body and not just default to more food.

We have her 2.5 well visit next week and I will bring it up - but I also want to be super careful about talking about food/weight in front of her. I’m so worried I’m going to say the wrong thing in front of her.

Am I overthinking this? :(