Marijuana and pregnancy


Okay let me start by saying there has not been any tests done to neither confirm nor deny whether cannabis use during pregnancy can be harmful for the baby. So if you are going to banter to me about your definition on right and wrong during pregnancy you are preaching to the wrong choir.

I have had the worst morning sickness, vomiting 5+ times a day, cant even drink water without it making my head spin. Its been kicking my ass, I told my gyno about it so of course she wrote me a prescription for it. Diclectin I believe it was called, I dont really remember 🙃 but what I do know is my insurance didn’t cover it and it was $700 dollars. Yeah no thank you.

I am sure as shit not a doctor but what i did know is in the past when i would have nausea i would smoke weed. Being pregnant however I know smoking would be bad for the baby, so I decided to try a very low dosage edible. Enough to suppress the nausea and constant need to vomit. It works like an absolute charm and very inexpensive.

I picked up 5 mg candies and I cut them in half and take throughout the day.

If you or anyone you know is suffering with severe morning sickness and cannot afford the prescriptions, give it a try. Its not enough to get you stoned, take half and see how your nausea feels.

Good day ❤️