Ladies I’m I driving myself insane 🤦🏻‍♀️

My baby is 1 years old, at her 12 month check up she was 23lbs. She was born 11lbs 22inch. Now I’m freaking out because I weighed my kiddo on my home scale and she is was 24lbs like ouch shouldn’t she have gained more weight by now. She eats 3 solid meals and 3 snacks and sometimes she eats in between her meals. Like if I’m eating or pops eating she will have some. She is coming up on her 15 month appointment and Im thinking the doctor going to think I’m not feeding her or something else. She is very active been waking since 10 months. I’m I right to be freaking out. I’m so nervous and feel like I’m not feeding her enough and being ah awful parent