What’s your 6/7 month old feed/sleep schedule? Formula babies please


I’m trying to figure out my 6 month old’s feed/sleep schedule with solids. If you don’t mind laying out your baby’s wake up time, formula and solid feed times with amounts, nap times and bedtime. I’d love to see what’s working for other babies!

My son’s current schedule

6:30/7am wake up (would love this to be closer to 8a)

7:00a Formula feed (3-5oz)

7:30a solids 2-3 tbsp

9a-11a nap

11a formula feed 3-5 oz

130-300 nap

300 formula feed 3-5oz

300 solids 2-3 tbsp

500-530 nap

530 formula feed 3-5oz

700p bathtime

730 formula feed 6oz and bedtime

Usually 1-2 nighttime feeds 5-6oz