Diagonal baby, strange movements, and back cramps


33w 3d and feeling like baby is positioned diagonally. I feel hiccups on my lower left side and big kicks on my upper right side, right below my ribs. Is this common? Hoping baby will straighten out a bit soon.

I’m also feeling unusual movements. He’s very active but the movements feel more powerful and less kick-like. Definitely more wiggly and squirmy. Guessing this is because of his size? Last night I felt constant squirming for about 1-2 hours which seemed like a lot.

Lastly, I’m starting to feel some cramping in my lower back. It’s a little hard to distinguish from third trimester back aches but I do think this feels more crampy. I know this is a sign of preterm labor but it’s not accompanied by any other symptoms. If it remains and other symptoms do start to come on, I’ll call my doctor but curious if this is a third trimester symptom anyone has experienced as well?