Aaannd the tww begins.. what do you do to keep your mind busy?;

jen • Momma of 5 boys!💙 and we're done! 😅

Thankfully today has gone by fairly quickly but they're still 12 more days until Aunt Flo I really want to wait til missed period or that feeling like things aren't right but I'm already iching to test. (I'm not going to bc I know I'm only 2 dpo. Lol) I just wanna know if we did it! If I can start on the nursing or planning an announcement! I did a daiper cake for our gender reveal yesterday ( I have the stuff bc i bought it for my last pregnancy, sadly enough it come in the day I found out I had lost our baby) I'm trying not to get too excited because it could be 6 more months before I see the double lines but man it's so hard not to get excited!! 🥰🥰