My son is 18 months old. And even though I thought we were done with the sleep regressions, here we are. For the past week or so, he WILL NOT go to sleep. He’s fighting it so hard. I can tell he’s tired, but he has a burst of energy at the same time. He’s literally running back and forth on my floor right now. It’s 11pm but hasn’t been going to sleep tell 12-1 am. Idk what to freaking do. Nothing puts him to sleep. NOTHING. I’m so exhausted. I still have to wake up and take my oldest to school tomorrow. He wakes up at his normal time (7 am) and takes 1 hour/hour and a half nap around noon and he still won’t sleep. He needs more sleep! I read that overtired toddlers will create more adrenaline and it will keep them up, but I don’t want him to sleep all day and get his days and nights all mixed up either.