Getting baby down EARLIER

Jaks • TTC since 2016. Had my Rainbow 🌈 in May of 21’. TTC again after Christmas

Need some tips about getting my lovely 5 month old boy to bed sooner. He will usually not pass out for the whole night until after 12am. Sometimes it’s 2am before I get to go to sleep and he’ll sleep about 6 hours. Roughly.

I’ve tried putting him down at 10, or 9, and he just will fuss and fuss and fuss and fuss, OR he’ll sleep only 20-40 minutes and be ready to go again for 2 hours till he eats again.

This is only at this time, when he’s tired and showing signs, I set him down in his bassinet, give him a pacifier, and he gets comfortable and passes RIGHT out in just a few minutes. For all his naps and bedtime throughout the day.

But if it’s not past midnight, he will not STAY asleep for 6 hours…