Leg tremors???


My son is 7 weeks old and has been having tremor/shaking in his legs randomly. I mentioned it to his pediatrician at his one month check up and he said that if I can touch/move his leg and it stops then it’s a tremor but if it continues it could be a seizure.

It does stop if I move or touch his leg and it never lasts more than 2-5 seconds. But I have been so anxious over the thought of it being a seizure so I’ve been on google and you know that just makes it worse.

I try to get a video of it but it happens randomly and so quickly that I can’t. He has no other symptoms of it being a seizure. But I’m positing to see if anyone else has had anything similar to this? His 2 month appointment is the 29th but I’d like to ease my worries before then if possible.