
Hi I'm new to this group, as well as new to Glow! I am 21 years old, just got married to my husband in September & we are TTC. I have a very irregular cycle.. Like to the extreme. I am currently doing 50 day cycles of taking meds to basically "induce" my period. Then I have my period, and then take Clomid to hopefully help me ovulate! Im on cd9 my second cycle right now. I'm having a hard time figuring out if I am beginning to ovulate. I have been taking opk the past 2 nights (I didn't wanna miss my ovulation, lol) I'm so confused about feeling for my cervix, and how it feels & how high or low it is. I feel like a teenage girl getting her period for the first time! (Because basically I am) I'll take ALL the help I can get!