Daycare Sleep


Anybody else’s baby have a hard time sleeping at daycare? My 8 mo naps fine at home. She takes 2 naps, between 45-120 minutes. She used to take great naps at daycare and shit naps at home, and now it seems to be the opposite 😂 They know her schedule and wake windows and try to put her down accordingly, but they said she just cries and won’t sleep lately! She falls asleep independently, we don’t rock her to sleep for naps or bedtime, haven’t since she was 12 weeks old. I feel like so many people told me “Don’t stress about daycare naps, they’re baby whisperers, they’ll be able to get her to sleep.” but every week on the 1 or 2 days that she’s there I get these updates saying she’s taking short naps or refuses to nap and I don’t know what to suggest to them.