Positive Digital Test

I have had 3 miscarriages this year. All of them were super early and were chemicals. I had taken digital tests with all 3 and never got a positive on the digital.

I went to a new midwife a few weeks ago and she ordered a ton of blood work and we even did an ultrasound and everything looked good on the ultrasound. With the blood work it came back that I was positive for MTHFR, which is essentially a folate deficiency so she told me to switch my prenatal to folate and not folic acid and take a baby aspirin every day.

I am supposed to start my period in 3 days and so I decided to take a test just to see and I only had a digital test to take so I took it and it was positive! So here’s to hoping 🤞 the baby aspirin and new prenatal help and that my period really doesn’t come 😊 is it a good sign that the digital came back positive so early? I know they are pretty much the same as first response and such but a little more sensitive right?