36 weeks tomorrow.. baby daddy still sucks...

🖤Mommy🖤 • ♥️Son-7/00♥️Daughter-9/04♥️Daughter-11/12♥️👼-9/15♥️Son- 8/16♥️Son- 3/18♥️👼- 4/19♥️👼- 5/19♥️ Son- 2/20♥️

So I'm being induced October 31st (super excited).

This will be my 7th babe... 5th with my "husband". We separated back in June and he's shown so little interest in our children, my pregnancy or anything involving the life we had. He got a place of his own about 25 minutes away and since than has forgotten about the last 12 years we had together. I was heartbroken at first.. but being over 4 months out now, I feel differently. I don't care he's not around as much. Last time we saw him was my 32 wk ultrasound. He does nothing to help financially... he comes and goes. I didn't know how I would do labor and delivery without him.. I have the greatest best friend though.. she's been my backbone. I asked her to be with me for the delivery. I don't doubt myself anymore and I know I'll be just fine 😌

I never thought id be in this situation but here I am. I'm ready to bring this little boy into the world... alone and all.