Sooo baby #3 planning is happening! 😍

Okay so…let’s just say after five years and two babies myself and partner have realised for me to fall pregnant I can only seek to do so in a certain position if you catch me drift 🤭😊

So my partner and I were just doing the deed before and he flips me and puts me into “the position” I look at him like “yoooo you know what this could do, what you doing” and he just says “three?” And yeahhhh it happened!!

It was such a in the moment and last decision to just decide let’s try this. But I just want to have my moment to share this. Like have I always been ready and didn’t know. How we both just yep let’s have three. Can I handle three. 😂

Obviously down side to it all is the timing and negative results and all the waiting as we alllllll know. Trust me it took two years for our second baby and that’s why we just think it’s gotta be the only position I got pregnant in. But he leaves (FIFO) tomorrow and I ovulate in another 3 days. I hope this sticks and could hopefully be an easy to get pregnant journey because I know the heartache of trying it’s the only thing I don’t look forward too. But yes anyway….. TAH-DAH baby #3 in the making!!!