Am I being unreasonable ?

So I’m 35w4d. Due Nov 17. I’m in grad school and currently taking a class (we don’t get a thanksgiving break).

My husband wants host thanksgiving dinner and wants to invite some family members. Mind you, they are ALL out of state, so they’d probably be staying with us! And not all are vaccinated against Covid.

I don’t feel comfortable hosting anyone - especially - not for several days! **Double especially** after having a newborn and being in grad school AND during Covid!

He’s kind of bummed about this because he just lost an uncle to Covid and because we may be moving across the country (military) next year so he feels it may be harder for everyone to come out then.

BUT…I don’t want to risk my kids getting sick and I don’t feel like hosting. I will be tired enough with my class and with a newborn (plus 3 more kids) to take care of!

Am I being unreasonable??

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