The Big Chop....


A Facebook page that I follow just blew up over this statement " the big chop". A women ( white) posted a picture of her child who had just recently cut off 10 inches of hair to donate to a company who makes wigs for cancer patients. She held up a sign that said " I did The Big Chop to support cancer patients". African American women were correcting the Mom that the terminology " The Big Chop" was used out of context. Apparently it means when African American women cut off their damaged/ processed hair to allow healthy regrowth. The Mom tried explaining that she only meant Big chop as in the length of hair and the drastic change. The post was divided ( not by race) about how this term could be used. Some where saying only African Amerucan women can say this, while others where saying it could be used interchangeably.

I learned something new. My Dad is African American and I've only heard this term amongst my family as in someone ( regardless of race) was cutting off several inches of hair. I had no idea it was only meant for African American women who were chopping off processed damaged hair.

So what do yall think? Should races other than African Americans stop saying "The Big Chop". I personally think anyone can say it because I do believe it has a double meaning...