Is this Ovulation bleeding?

Ker 🍂🍃🍁🌻

Ovulation day was on the 15th. Woke up with some mild cramping in my lower back on the sides. I thought “this can’t be my period?” I went to put a pad on just in case since I was going to be at a bridal shower that day. Saw blood. Is it just ovulation bleeding or another period? I’m an identical twin and I always say ‘whatever happens to my sister will happen to me’ and it did!……I still have mild lower back side cramping and there is light blood now. Like spotting? Light pink in color. I bled like in the photo the day of and it lightened up yesterday to light pink and now just a spot when I wipe. Probably nothing but could it just be ovulation bleeding? Me and hubby are trying also.