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Okay so I’m in a new relationship, but we have been friends for months. We haven’t had sex, for no particular reason we just don’t have condoms but we do everything else. It’s equal amounts of pleasure. Usually I would never look into to someone’s phone but for this, my gut was telling me to. I know he talks to girls and I’m totally okay with that, most of the girls I know, but he was at my place yesterday and was getting Snapchat’s from this girl, like back to back and I had never recognized her name befofe. I didn’t ask about it but I kept the name in my head. I looked up this girl and couldn’t find anything with her social media at all. So I was really bothered by this. Later we go to sleep, I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I saw his phone light up again with this girl. I took it and went to see what was going on. Turns out he was getting naked videos and pictures and he saved them all. I’m fine with guys who watch porn, I get it, guys are guys, but he was texting this girl while he was with me and MY apartment. This just doesn’t sit right with me. He also swears he doesn’t masturbate or watch porn at all, so I’m just confused? Why can’t he just wait till he gets home to do this, why does he feel the need to have to do it at all? I’m so bothered by it. He asked me what’s wrong and I haven’t responded yet, any ideas on what to say?