Neighbors kid acting disrespectful

My neighbors have a 13 year old son. I get along with them great but never really see their son. They say he has Asperger's. They we're having issues with bills and their power got turned off so I offered them my place to stay so they could get the money but also could have electricity. They thanked me and are planning to pay me once things gets sorted but I was just doing it to be nice. They only stayed one night a couple nights and got their stuffed turned on and paid me. But their 13 year old was extremely rude saying how he didn't want to be here and would rather sleep outside and was being super disrespectful towards me. He kept saying he hates it here and his parents were telling him to stop. It was like 7 at night and his mom whispered to him. I have cmgood hearing and could hear her say "Go in the bathroom and get ready for bed". IDK why she whispered that. Didn't seem like a big deal. He seemed embarrassed because he was blushing and saw me staring and yelled he didn't want to be here. He went upstairs and didn't even change into any sleeping clothes. He just went in the bathroom with some stuff and came out in his regular clothes. He didn't actually change his clothes until 9. He then kept saying he wanted to sleep outside or he wasn't gonna sleep at all. Just acting an ass. This went in for few days. The exact same routine and him saying how he hates it here and wants to sleep outside and she kept being private about telling him to get ready for bed so early and he would go into the bathroom and not even get ready. Just bizarre. But this kid just seemed so disrespectful.

My mom always told me that Asperger's is autism that doesn't affect the child. So I figured while he has autism, he still would act normal.

I guess I don't really understand autism. And I don't think he was wearing a diaper or anything to bed because his mom would say this like 3 hours before his bed time. When my brother wet the bed my mom would have him put them on at bedtime. Besides idk why they wouldn't have just told me he wets his bed.