Talking to my daughter about PTSD

I asked for advice on how to explain PTSD to my almost 7 year old daughter. She watched her daddy get taken away again for self harming. If you've seen my other post my husband was tortured the first 3 years of our marriage while I was raising our baby on his family ranch he was on his family farm hours away to make money working there and was being beat, raped, burned and several tortured by his step brother. His step brother stabbed out his right eye. Stabbed a screw through his foot. Branded his initial into my husband's thighs. He's been free of his step brother for only 3 years. My daughter said a middle school girl is saying her daddy is crazy and being bullied saying he should be locked up. I sat my daughter down and told her if she remembered when that boy pushed her and she got an ouchie on her knee. She said yes. I said someone hurt daddy and gave him an ouchie on his mind. She said "Who hurt daddy?" I said a very bad person. She asked where they were and I said in a place far far away. I told her daddy's mind ouchies hurt him and make him think he isn't safe. And he gets sad. Sometimes daddy's feelings get too big for him and he has to go away to feel better and said that her daddy loves her so much. More than she could ever know. Later on she got my lipstick and put it on and put kisses on a paper. She wants to give her daddy kisses for his mind ouchie. She seems to be taking it better. It's hard when him being in and out of mental hospitals. Watching him break down. One problem may be his therapist. Based on what he says they talk about for 3 years they've only talked about his trauma once and the rest she's been just giving him coping skills for when he's about to break down. Not actually working through the trauma. Would anyone know if some therapist specifically specialize in trauma or sexual trauma?