7 days late...


my period is usually spot on and if it isnt then it only moves around by a day or two. today marks 7 days late for my cycle this month and i took a test two days ago when i was at 5 days past. i used a digital cvs test, the one similar to clearblue, it came back negative, however i have had some slight symptoms like fatigue, nausea, constipation, and some pretty bizarre cravings. i really dont know what i would do if it turns out that i am pregnant seeing as tho me and my boyfriend are not in favorable positions to have a child at this time. does anyone have any suggestions when it comes to re-testing or possibly a theory (other than early pregnancy) that can explain how i am late with a negative test? asking for non judgemental responses only bc its been a long time since i have gone thru this and im starting to lowkey freak out.