I don't know whether to be proud or mad

My son has another dance competition in there town this week but it was more local. He hurt his foot the day before but still said he was good enough to do it. I could tell it was causing him pain and even his dance teacher told him maybe he should sit out. Here's the deal. Having a boy on a dance team allows them to do other dances that involve a male role. In this dance he had to lift one of the girls and do this swinging thing and he's actually a big part of this specific dance. It's supposed to tell a story and without him they would have to cut that number from the routine. So he went out and did his solo. I was waiting back stage and he did a good job. But when he came back he literally fell to he ground. I was freaked out trying to help him and he's like "I'm fine mom! I need a minute!" He was in a lot of pain". I was telling his teacher I don't think he can do the solo and he was saying he can. I was saying he's pushing himself too hard and he needs to take a break and he said "Mom shut up!" I let that one slide because he said it out of pain because he kept going "Ahhh!" And seem to be trying to use mind over matter to control his pain. So his teacher was trying to decide whether or not they were going on stage. But my son said he's doing it. So he went out and did it. His solo won 2nd place. Group dance 1st. He has been staying off his foot now. While I'm proud of him I'm kind of mad and feel like I should have made him not do the routine. He could have gotten more hurt.