Symptoms Vanished?


Hi ladies,

I am 9 weeks 3 days pregnant. Between week 6-8 I definitely had pregnancy symptoms: nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, breast tenderness, fatigue, lack of appetite/food aversions, mood swings, etc. My symptoms have slowly been disappearing, the only symptom I’ve had over the past few days was nausea. I woke up this morning feeling completely normal, not pregnant, back to myself. I don’t have a single pregnancy symptom today. I haven’t felt hunger in weeks, and today I’m eating perfectly fine. I contacted my doctors office but I can’t get in for another week and my next ultrasound won’t be for a couple of weeks. I haven’t had any cramping or bleeding but I am worried about a missed/silent miscarriage. My last ultrasound was at 7 weeks 2 days and we saw the heartbeat (150 bpm).

I am looking to hear your experiences at 9 weeks pregnant or if something similar has happened to you. What was the outcome? Please share your stories with me!!

Fingers crossed little bean is okay ♥️