2nd Clomid Try


So my first attempt with Clomid was miserable. My regular GYN had given me the prescription and didn't monitor nor check in with me AT ALL. Mid cycle ended up making me feel like I was dying. It felt like my whole ovary exploded. It didn't, thank goodness.

I unfortunately had later been diagnosed with endometriosis, a fibroid, and many cysts which I'm hoping is the main reason why Clomid failed last time and why I was in so much pain.

I really hope that it works this cycle. My husband and I have been trying for 3 years. I just had surgery in June to fix all that could be fixed. I am currently seeing a fertility specialist and he said so far everything looks good. He saw about four follicles on one ovary and three on the other. During my next visit, we should be able to tell how many will mature enough for me to be given a trigger shot probably next week and then after ovulation I start progesterone suppositories.

Any cycle buddies? Anyone have any stories about their tries with Clomid?