Today's appointment.(thank you ladies!)

Went in and had to wait a a lot longer then normal but the office has big comfy chairs so I was ok. The dr's nurse called me in, took my blood pressure, asked all the normal questions and then had me take my sample and when I came back she used the Doppler to find baby relaxing on my right side in his normal spot with a hb of 145. She explained the appointment was late because even though the dr wasn't on call that there had been an emergency at the hospital, which is across the street, and the on call dr was at their office in another city. So the dr I was scheduled to see went and delivered but that on his way out the door he asked her to hold down the fort and said he absolutely refused to reschedule me again, especially since I had been in the e.r the night before and would need reassurance and an evaluation. He came in answered all my questions and said he saw no reason why I should feel silly for going in last night because even though they stopped when I got there I had them rated at an 8 by the time I got there. He said with this being my third the pain could be worse and that Braxton hicks will be very common now that I hit the second trimester. Yay... But last night at the end the pain was close to being as bad as the natural birth I had with my son or I would have stayed home and I explained that and he was shocked and told me if it happens again to call the office and they would try to help. But everything so far is fine, still very sore from last night but baby has kicked away all day. Anatomy scan is next Friday at 2:30 and now for some reason I'm nervous. Lol no idea. But thanks to those who reassured me and were there for me! Hopefully the next round holds off until third trimester!