Ultrasound 6weeks empty sac

UPDATE ! Had my second ultrasound today and baby is measuring 7 weeks 3 days and has a heart rate of 140 🥰

Still spotting a little but taking it easy and hoping for the best 🙏


Hey ladies I’m currently 6 weeks 1 day and have started spotting with pressure not really cramps just pressure , I called my doctor and he got me in today for an ultrasound and the tech said there is a sac but no baby yet she said something is growing but not able to see it 🤔 she said sac is measuring 6weeks but that does not mean they always see something she said not to worry and my doctor will probably have me go back in a week or two weeks , but I’m worried and I assume the worst as I’ve had two losses and this seems/feels like another ☹️ I’m thinking maybe blighted ovum 🤷‍♀️ has anyone had a scan with empty sac if so what happen with you ?