Syncope 😰


Hello everyone,

I’m 23w5d work baby #3 and this evening I experienced my first ever vasovagal episode. I was talking to my SO about our birth plan, since we’re having a home water birth, and he’s a first time dad I just wanted to give him the run down. Well I must have gotten a little anxious or worked up because I couldn’t sit still or get comfortable. So I was moving from bed to chair to standing fairly quickly. I started to feel lightheaded after climbing out of bed, so I naturally sat down in a chair. My lightheadedness got worse and so did my anxiety so I immediately jumped up from the chair to tell him I felt like I was going to faint. I know bad idea. So my vision got progressively darker as I assumed I blacked out for a second. My SO did sit me back in the chair before I completely went out. A couple of seconds later I came to and he was on the phone with EMS. I told him to hang up and I called my midwife. I’m feeling better now but I’ve never had that happen it was so scary at the time. I called my mom whose also an RN like myself and she said she had them all the time and had to stop working because of it. My other 2 pregnancies went so well and I’ve been through so much this time around. I’m hoping I don’t have to stop working anytime soon, but just wanted to share my experience and see if anyone else has had a similar one. Helps to talk about it. I don’t think I helped my SO feel comfortable at all about our upcoming home birth 😂🤣😂 He’s been a trooper but I don’t think he’ll want any more after this.