Confused 🤷🏽‍♀️


So I am a woman who gets her period every month no matter what even if I am stressed out. I do have children already my last one is 5 yrs old and I didn’t realize I was pregnant with her until I was two mths and 9 days, Anyways fast forward to Now I am supposed to get my period on the 19 according to one <a href="">period app</a> and the other one said the 25th of Oct its now the 23rd of Oct and still no period. according to one app my ovulation day was the 5th of Oct and on the other Its the 10th of Oct, don’t really know which one is the most accurate but I’ve been having sex either right before or after the ovulation date. I took a pregnancy test on the first day of my missed period it was neg and then I waited three days which was on the 13rd to take another one and it was negative. Should I take another on the 29th of Oct if I dont get my period..lmao Im lost please help