New :)

Kelly • I`m 33, happily married and hoping to become a mom one of these days
Hey all! :) I'm new to the group. Been ttc with my husband for seven months, I could use some opinions, according to Glow, my AF was due on the 1st, it still has not shown up, I've felt nauesous a good bit, kinda sore and sensitive breasts, but that's about my only symptoms, other than being tired more than usual, I took tests on the 6th as well as the 7th. Both negative, it's now been 42 days since my last cycle started and 36 since it ended, I've never been this late before, and I have not been stressed enough to make it this late, I have no history of pcos, cysts or anything like that to my knowledge, could I possibly actually be pregnant? Should I test again? Maybe I tested too early, not sure, I'm now 16dpo, I tested on my 10th and 11th dpo, and I'd used a clear blue digital with the weeks estimator along with a dollar store test, both of which were negative, two days ago I experienced a very brief light pink spotting, could this be implantation bleeding? Could this be the month finally??? Opinions please ladies!!! Going crazy here!!!