Early Stage Preeclampsia


Hi Ladies,just checking in with the rest of the February 22 mommies to see if anyone else is in the same situation.Basically at my 24 week check up my midwife said I have early stages of preeclampsia(High blood pressure/Borderline BMI/Swelling in feet & legs/Puffiness in face).I’m not overly surprised as my only sister was pretty bad also so I was sort of expecting it but not exactly this early.I’ve been advised to rest as much as possible,elevate feet,reduce salt intake etc & they have started me on additional iron & vitamin supplements to ensure my body is ready for early birth-She said baby will be early.I’m starting home injections from 28 weeks(Blood thinners to prevent any clotting issues).So the overall aim now is to get to 35/36 weeks & take it from there.Just looking to see if any of the rest of u have been told anything similar?Any words of support or previous experience is welcome also❤️