am i crazy


13DPO AF due today , so literally dodging her. i want to be pregnant so BAD this cycle. everyone around me is getting pregnant, even my sister! i would love to go through this journey with those around me but especially with my sister we are so close it would be so crazy. only symptoms i would say have caught me by surprise is my breast for one feel huge and look bigger as well. now the next two y’all might think im crazy but it might be something! i’ve had the driest and itchiest scalp for almost a week now and from 12 DPO i’ve had pretty painful leg pains and im my groin and hip as well. only on the left side, anyone experience this and got a BFP!? i could be reaching but im also desperate so any advice, feedback, or similar stories will help put my mind at ease!

this cycle i BD 4 out of 6 days during my fertile window. all were before ovulation day. on my peak day i used pressed and inserted a soft cup after BD. the other days were just regular BD. had a peak at CD 12 . has anyone done preseed and soft cup? any success stories? thank you in advance i know this was a lot