My SO finds it hard to apologise and feels entitled when apologising.


Everytime my SO has done something to wrong me, and I let her know it, First it typically takes a lot of effort to show her its wrong. But what's worse if after I've done that, she finds it difficult to apologise. and when she does she almost expect an instant forgiveness! to the point whereby if I don't immediately or near immediately say it's fine, or I keep talking about how what she had done hurt me and made me feel(many times i might even forgiven her but i just still hurt at the moment), She'll just snap at some point and shout I've said sorry!

Also, when she apologises, and i say it's fine she hardly makes the first move towards reconciliation (I mostly have to be the one to do that) and the few times she does, she always require some action on my part to meet her halfway. what's annoying is without that action on my part, the fight will continue.

This is never the case when the reverse happens. when I've done something to wrong or hurt her, I take the lead and apologise. I don't do it with an entitled feeling that she has to forgive me at a set time or after a set number of apologies. I care about making her know, understand, and feel that I am truly sorry and then I take the lead of trying to reconcile us and get us to pre fight state. I would literally go hug her when she says it's fine after my apology, suggest fun things we can do together or offer to do things for her as a kinda obvious bride. I am usually happy to do all this because I know i messed up and i am genuinely sorry about it. This, I don't get from her. It comes across to me as someone who hates to be wrong so much they find it hard to admit it even to themselves and when they do, they want to get out of the feeling as fast as possible hence, the entitled expectation of quick forgiveness.

Granted she mostly doesn't take as much time to be fine when i hurt her and apologise, as i do. But I honestly never mind when she does as at the core of it, in that moment, I am the one that did something wrong and hence i should be able to bare the heat till she feels better. That's typically my approach and that's my expectation when the reverse happens.

I have talked about this to her countless of times but nothing ever seem to change and it honestly hurts my feelings and sometimes just makes me sad.

I would like the opinion of both men and women on this, what do i do to make things better?

PS: the heat in our case is mostly complaining about the issue, not willing or feeling like talking to the person at that time, not willing of feeling like switching to video call from a voice call chat. things like that.