3 year old

Update: I was teaching her not to hurt it she would understand that but when I would clean she tried to be with it, I dont hit her I talk to her I told her what she did was wrong and that it's not okay, my family thinks that it's because I am pregnant and she might be acting out, I love my child and she is the only child I have at the moment. I was never looking for her to be sent away like a person who intended to hurt it I was asking advice on people who have felt with this situation and how they resolved it. She is smart and I know I'm in the wrong for punishment but I believe that for everytime she does right she will get a toy back, it's been 3 months and she has been behaving differently. I honestly appreciate those who understand me and ik I might be a bad mother but I just want the best for my child. I'm sorry that it happen, and I bet she is too. She is 3 and she speaks very little but she is a bright girl who adores everyone. I'm sorry for being a bad mother but I know I love my child and it's sad that her behavior cause this kitten to die but it dont change my love her for it just stresses me out because I don't know how to help her we are both new at her age and her growing.

I need help my 3 year old killed a kitten and she dont care even if I get her in trouble, how can I make her understand that it's not okay, I took her toys away and I grounded her for 2 week with not toys or TV. I was always telling her it was not okay and how to treat it but she dont understand me and it also worries me cause I'm pregnant. No matter what I do my daughter wont understand the punishment I give her